DAC Leadership Analysis Tool




What is the level of clarity among the stakeholders on the direction of the collective?  

Virginia’s Urban Forestry Council, Trees Virginia is a statewide forum where people with diverse backgrounds and interests come together to improve our urban communities (Trees Virginia Profile and Projects, n.d). The Council works in coordination with various stakeholders throughout the state to increase public awareness about the value of our community forests. Their direction is set by the board which is comprised of around 20 members from Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Utility Foresters, VNLA, Private arborist, landscape architects, and other disciplines (Ashley Appling, 2023).     


What is the process by which direction is produced and maintained?  

Members of Trees Virginia meet regularly to discuss issues that relate to urban forestry, including conditions of the forested parks and green spaces, as well as the trees along streets and in yards (Trees Virginia Profile and Projects, n.d). Current information is then shared with the Virginia Department of Forestry’s Urban Forester and used to assist them in the development of policies and guidelines related to the state’s urban forestry program. Additionally, the Council helps Virginia’s Urban Forester to rank grants for urban forestry projects, organize programs throughout the state, and host workshops. Their mission is outlined on the Trees Virginia website, in newsletters, and in their annual reports.   


What is the chronology of events/decisions that produced, maintained, or degraded shared direction?  

In 1990, Virginia’s Urban Forestry Council was established with the keen understanding that the care of our urban forests is the responsibility of everyone (Trees Virginia Profile and Projects, n.d). They recognized that in order to ensure a healthy place for forests in our urban communities we all must find a way to work together.     


How did expressed conflict help people clarify goals?  Was the conflict intentionally created and managed?  

Often, urban trees that are removed due to natural causes or development are viewed as “woody debris” (Joe Lehnen, 2021). Therefore, no matter how large the trees might be, they were either destined to become a pile of firewood or become mulch. With the Virginia Urban Wood Project, Trees Virginia coordinates with the Virginia Department of Forestry and USDA Forest Service to encourage optimal tree usage through the creation of markets that promote recycling and the effective utilization of these valuable resources. Thus, giving trees a purpose at the end of their lives. Take for instance, the Urban Wood Project began an initiative called “Out of the Ashes” in response to the serious loss of ash trees due to the Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive species from Asia. With this program, the ash wood is harvested and logs that are deemed to have potential commercial value are offered for sale to woodworkers, architects, and businesses.





What is the process by which alignment is produced and maintained?

Virginia Tree Steward Training Manual: Tree Steward volunteers are trained to identify trees, counsel on tree selection, demonstrate proper tree planting and follow-up care, and guide the removal of invasive plants that threaten trees. https://www.treesvirginia.org/images/pdfs/Tree-Steward-Training-Manual.pdf


Virginia Department of Forestry, Urban and Community Forestry: A state organization, founded in 1914, to restore forestlands and prevent forest fires. https://dof.virginia.gov/about/   


Virginia Tree Ordinance Database: A database with ordinances of 37 municipalities across Virginia. http://vtod.frec.vt.edu


Code of Virginia (§15.2-961): Requirements for the conservation of trees during land development in Virginia. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/15.2-961/


USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program: A federal organization, founded in 1905, to manage and protect the nation's forests and water quality.https://www.fs.usda.gov/learn/our-history


Urban FIA Program: Forest inventory and analysis tool. https://www.fia.fs.usda.gov/program-features/urban/





What is the process by which commitment is produced and maintained?  

In addition to giving aging trees a second chance at life, Trees Virginia is committed to planting new trees and preserving forestlands (The City of Harrisonburg, 2021). They understand the importance tree canopies have on our cities. Therefore, Trees Virginia and its partners have established programs like “Beyond the Ashes” which is aimed at creating more diverse tree species for the tree canopies in the cities. Furthermore, Trees Virginias supports tree planting events such as the annual event held by the Arbor Day Foundation.     


What were the motivations driving the commitment (or lack of commitment) of various stakeholders?  

In many urban environments, many of the trees reside in private residential properties (The City of Harrisonburg, 2021). As such, it is important to garner support from homeowners to take care of the trees on their properties. Cost-share grants are provided to homeowners to help offset some of the costs of taking care of disease/infested trees and expanding tree canopies.    


What type of influence was brought to bear to promote commitment?    

Trees Virginia fosters partnerships between government agencies, businesses, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations (Trees Virginia Profile and Projects, n.d).  




Boundaries that exist:  

As a non-profit organization, Trees Virginia is limited by its number of volunteers and the amount of resources available to their disposal (Ashley Appling, 2023). They may also experience complications with funding when working in partnership with the federal government and state governments to address urban forest management concerns. Changes in regulations on the federal or state level can impact operations and conflicting policies can limit the extent of collaboration between stakeholders. In addition, there may be issues implementing uniform strategies due to the large geographical spread of the state.


Power Boundaries: How was coordination achieved up and down the power continuum (i.e., hierarchically).  For example, how did subordinates coordinate with bosses or local government coordinate with state government or NGOs coordinate with funding foundations.

Trees Virginia helps to build partnerships between stakeholders (Ashley Appling, 2023). They coordinate with the federal, state, and local governments and non-government organizations by establishing regular communications and meetings where updates are provided on ongoing projects and ideas and concerns can be shared. In addition, the Council provides recommendations up and down the power continuum and works to enhance the public’s understanding of sustainability initiatives.       




What were trust issues and how were they managed throughout the process?  

Trees Virginia wants to get everyone in Virginia to care about our trees (Ashley Appling, 2023). Unfortunately, not all interests are in alignment, and helping people to see the benefits of trees can be difficult at times. Therefore, Trees Virginia believes it is important the aid in people’s understanding by providing general information about sustainability concerns and hosting workshops. 


* The President of Trees Virginia, Ashley Appling, was asked to describe the way things stand right now in the group by filling out the DAC Assessment. Here is their response:  

Ashley Appling (2023). Trees Virginia Info. Email.

A Training Manual for Virginia Tree Stewards. (2020). Trees Virginia. https://treesvirginia.org/images/pdfs/Tree-Steward-Training-Manual.pdf

Joe Lehnen. (2021). Field notes: Out of the Ashes. Virginia Department of Forestry. https://dof.virginia.gov/out-of-the-ashes/

The City of Harrisonburg. (2021). Beyond the Ashes. https://dof.virginia.gov/out-of-the-ashes/

Trees Virginia Profile and Projects (n.d.) PDF. 

Virginia’s Urban Forest Council - Trees Virginia non-profit organization. Trees Virginia. (2023). https://www.treesvirginia.org/