(Canva, n.d.)

Trees Virginia, Virginia’s Urban Forest Council, serves as an important partner to the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) and the USDA Forest Service in their efforts to ensure our urban forests thrive for generations to come (A. Appling, 2023). In addition, Trees Virginia works in collaboration with businesses, non-profit organizations, and communities to safeguard trees in urban areas. 


The expertise offered by Trees Virginia members is instrumental in shaping policies related to urban forest management, notably within Virginia’s Urban and Community Forest Program (A. Appling, 2023). Serving as advocates for policy enhancements, Trees Virginia collaborates closely with state and federal agencies, actively contributing to the development and implementation of sustainable initiatives. 


Moreover, Trees Virginia assists in securing funding for urban forestry projects and allocating resources for tree maintenance programs and research endeavors (A. Appling, 2023). Their guidance on species selection and best management practices significantly contributes to maintaining healthy urban ecosystems (A Training Manual for Virginia Tree Stewards, 2020). Through educational programs, Trees Virginia helps people to better understand the value of trees and fosters engagement in the community. By partnering with the Virginia Project Learning Tree, the group is able to engage students of all ages about the importance of urban trees and forestry (Project Learning Tree, 2023).


The alignment of the efforts by Trees Virginia and its partners helps to protect and enhance the state’s urban forests. However, the implementation of sustainability initiatives is complicated by the complexity of state and federal regulations (Trees Virginia, 2023). Therefore, Trees Virginia has been pivotal in the establishment of a Virginia Tree Ordinance Database which serves as a resource that helps to more effectively manage our urban environments (Virginia Tree Ordinance Database, 2019). This database helps enrich urban landscapes by providing insight into the ordinances of communities across Virginia. Also, the USDA Forest Services’ Urban Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Tool is frequently referenced (Trees Virginia, 2023). In addition, the Code of Virginia is a vital resource that is used to keep goals aligned.

Ashley Appling (2023). Trees Virginia Info. Email.

A Training Manual for Virginia Tree Stewards. (2020). Trees Virginia.

Trees Virginia. (2023). Resources.

Project Learning Tree. (2023). Virginia Project Learning Tree

Virginia Tree Ordinance Database. (2019). Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, Virginia Tech.