Trees Virginia, also known as the Virginia Urban Forest Council, was established in 1990, and consists of foresters, stewards, educators, and individuals with a passion for protecting and expanding trees in urban areas (Virginia Urban Forest Council, 2023). The NGO has the mindset that everybody who lives or works in the state of Virginia plays a role in urban trees, and therefore should be aware of the important services that forests and urban ecology provide. Some of these services include reducing the impacts of urban heat islands, improving air quality, and helping with stormwater management. While these services are crucial, trees frequently face threats due to increased development, which can damage roots and completely remove sections of the forest. 

Trees Virginia is organized into a hierarchy of executive committee members, permanent directors, elected directors, and other staff (Virginia Urban Forest Council, 2023). The main source of funds and resources for the organization is through donations. These donations can originate from private donors, corporations, and other businesses. Other financial resources include grants and the USDA Forest Service. Aside from members of the organization, community volunteers are able to become tree stewards, who are trained in promoting and improving urban and rural forests. These stewards are trained to teach training classes, educational programs, and hands-on projects within their communities. They also work to not only plant local species but also identify and remove invasive ones. 

The audience of this case study is the general public and donors, who should be made aware of the activities and value Trees Virginia provides for the state. In addition, legislators and city officials should know that NGOs such as this exist, and can be used for community engagement and other forestry needs. 

Virginia’s Urban Forest Council - Trees Virginia non-profit organization. Trees Virginia. (2023). https://www.treesvirginia.org/