While entering this project I knew that urban ecology is a serious issue, what really surprised me was the abundance of stakeholders involved. The 3SO Situational Awareness Tool showed just how complicated the web of actors and investors can be. From the countless government agencies to educators and landscape workers, there is an almost uncountable number of impacted individuals and groups. The strategies developed by stakeholder groups such as Trees Virginia showed me areas I would not have thought to invest resources and time, specifically scholarships for future forestry professionals. As a project group, trying to brainstorm a good idea, to begin with, and then refining it to a more specific case study helped set us up for success throughout the project. With such an endless amount of case studies to choose from, each team member was able to bounce off of what each person found interesting and motivating in the environmental field. For my personal career, this study helped remind me of the complex benefits urban trees can provide. Given that I work as a stormwater engineer, I can remind myself to suggest bioretention and other solutions that may be less “efficient” than gray infrastructure but can help improve air emissions, environmental justice, and peoples’ quality of life as well.